BB healing hands


Like many others, I’m on a journey to determine how we can all feel and live our best….to be the light so we can inspire and help others to also feel and be at their best…..

  • Emotionally

  • Physically

  • Spiritually

My Journey

Thanks to a tennis injury in Fall 2017, I was in A LOT of pain. The orthopedic surgeon told me I had a Frozen Shoulder, which explained why I couldn’t do any lifting, reaching or moving my right arm without feeling SO MUCH PAIN. I didn’t want to do surgery so I was told to be prepared for 18 months of physical therapy….and off I went.

During this time, I began watching a show on Lifetime called “The Healer”. It was about an incredible energy healer - Charlie Goldsmith - who could take away people’s physical pain through energy healing. He simply closed his eyes, cupped his hands and within a few minutes, his clients would tell him how much better they felt.

Charlie explained the tingling of his hands and being able to shoot out energy. Knowing I always felt this tingling - but just assumed it was my thyroid acting up as usual - I thought, hmmm…maybe I should give this a shot. And with that, I placed my left hand over my injury, shooting out my own energy.

You can call it whatever you want, but all I know is that after two minutes of shooting out energy… pain WENT AWAY.

I still had to go through physical therapy to strengthen and increase the rotation of my shoulder during the next few months. But after that very moment….there was simply no more pain.

A week later I went to a small group session led by an incredible medium in Chicago - Lisa Nitzkin. Like everybody else in the room getting the chance to talk to their dearly departed, my own grandma also came down to say hi : )

When it came to my turn, Lisa — or I should say my Grandma Ruth - was VERY excited to say that she saw me practicing healing on myself and how adamant she was that I continue to practice on myself and on others. Not only could I help others with their own pain, but that I could teach as well so that others could do this too….

And that’s where I am today.

Does It Always Work?

No. Just like Charlie Goldsmith - who says he can only help approx. 80% of the people he works on - I haven’t been able to magically make a positive difference on all. But I do feel that at least 80% - if not more - of the people I have tried energy healing on say they have felt something for the better.

And given my journey into energy healing has only recently started…I’m determined to continue to learn and grow, and figure out how to make even more of a positive impact on all.

I continue to remain an open book - of teaching others and learning what technique works best based on the source of pain.

So whether you are interested in learning how to do energy healing on yourself, help others or want to teach me a thing or two, I encourage you to explore this site, try out a few skills I suggest, and share with me your own personal feedback and journey.

Here’s to us all living in love and light,
